Awareness Programme on Substance Abuse

March 31, 2023

Youth are a nation’s greatest asset, and it’s essential to guide them towards a positive and healthy way of living. However, research shows that young people aged 15 to 25 years are at the highest risk of harm due to drug use, which can significantly impact their lives. To combat this growing addiction problem, various governmental, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions are working to raise awareness and fight against drug abuse.

To address the issue, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, launched the “Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan” or “Drug Free India Campaign,” which includes preventive strategies and the NAPDDR umbrella scheme. This scheme focuses on preventive education, awareness generation, capacity building, treatment, and rehabilitation.

“Prevention is better than cure,” and training young people as peer educators is an effective measure to prevent early drug use among adolescents. In line with the government’s efforts to eradicate drug abuse, Canara College organized an awareness program on substance abuse. The Department of Commerce and Management and NSS Units of the college conducted the program on March 31, 2023. Under the guidance of their Academic Mentors, Mrs. Seema Prabhu S. and Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat, 68 students of II B. Com A actively participated by creating posters, writing slogans, and articles. Ms. Trupthi Vyas and Ms. Ananya Baliga enthusiastically spread anti-drug messages among their classmates, explaining the serious consequences of drug abuse. Additionally, Mrs. Seema Prabhu S. conducted a Power Point Presentation to reinforce the importance of leading a drug-free lifestyle.

This program aligned with the Contribution to National Development and Inculcating value system amongst the students, contributing to the efforts in combatting drug abuse and creating awareness about substance abuse.

Report By
Mrs. Seema Prabhu S.
Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat

Last updated by Laxmi Hegde.

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