Treasure Hunt- A Skill Enhancement Activity

September 9, 2015

Treasure Hunt was held in the College campus as an activity for all the members of the association on September 09, 2015. Treasure hunts necessitate that students work in teams, solving puzzles together, spanning out to look for clues and find the treasure. It teaches them to work together, interact with each other, understand what the other is saying and think about how to win the game as a team. It trains them to communicate better, to act responsibly in a team and to improve the very important requisite of social skills. All the students were divided into groups and all the students participated enthusiastically. 82 students participated in the programme.Faculty conveners of Association Mrs Lavina Norohna and Ms Dhanya Shet coordinated the session.

Students learnt the value of team work. It generated a creative thinking in all participants, something beyond the obvious answers and solution to a specific problem. Provided an opportunity to listen, know and understand each other.

Report by:
Mrs. Lavina Sunitha Noronha

Last updated by Adithi Nayak.

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